We know Fiji First is in the pockets of the elite business community.
We question the AG to whether on October 3rd , under the pretext of visiting the poor at Koroipita Housing, the AG held another fundraising organized for him by a group of elite businessmen at the home of one such business tycoon in Lautoka. It is the Fiji First that is being bank-rolled by the elite business community.
Comments by the AG that the truck business operators have switched their allegiance from Fiji First to NFP just because of restrictions on load weight to prevent road damage is an insulting the intelligence of the truck operators.
NFP is not being financially backed by truck operators or any other business interest. That is a perennial smear campaign used by our detractors. But we know that they are suffering severe financial losses with trucks of many owners being mortgaged after inability of the operators to pay the hefty fines.
And banks who mortgage the trucks are unable to sell them because of unpaid fines. Instead of fixing our roads with the prudent use of over $3 billion allocated to Fiji Roads Authority for the last 7 years, Government is blaming the truck operators for causing road damage. What nonsense.
NFP will not ignore the plight of the truck operators and just as we have formulated policies for all our citizens, we will review the fines, fees and charges being imposed by the Land Transport Authority. We will alleviate the plight of the truck operators and drivers.
It has now become absolutely clear that Fiji First is bereft of any political morality and credibility. Labelling the NFP as jokers will not resolve the fundamental problems facing Fiji. It is the Fiji First that has been a sick and painful joke on the people for the last 12 years.
And now the Fiji First Leader, AG and other minions think they are in a circus performing comedy instead of taking about real issues that matter to the vast majority of our people.
And unlike the two puppet masters and their band of puppeteers, we will continue advocating policies that will bring Fiji lasting social, economic and political advancement.
Authorised by:
Professor Biman Prasad
NFP Leader