June 17, 2022
The Prime Minister now thinks he is the Emperor of Fiji. And some of his officials also seem
to believe it.
He reportedly told the people of Naitasiri “I did all these developments in Naitasiri”.
The Government, using the people’s money, did those developments – just like every other
government of Fiji before the Fiji First Government. The people of Naitasiri also worked to
achieve them.
Yet the Prime Minister tries to claim all the credit for himself.
Now Fiji Pine Limited says that it can only pay bonuses to landowners after it consults with
the Prime Minister.
Why is this, if Fiji Pine Limited is its own company with its own money?
This is the state of Fiji now – where the Prime Minister thinks that he alone is the
Government and everybody else will do nothing without his say-so.
This is not how a well-governed country runs. In a democratic country everybody has a role
to play and everybody does their part.
In a well-governed country the Prime Minister doesn’t boast about doing developments –
he knows that many people have worked together to achieve them and he shares the
We are sick and tired of an arrogant, out of touch government that thinks that only its
leaders do anything and all other people are nothing.
And this is why this Government has to go at the next election.