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  • Writer's pictureNational Federation Party - Fiji

Bullying in Fiji Schools

Tuesday 3rd March 2020

Bullying and brutality in schools is another indication of the social and moral decay in our society, said National Federation Party Leader Professor Biman Prasad.

Professor Prasad said the NFP was aghast after witnessing the incidents of bullying that are in fact students being victims of brutality.

“It is a matter of wonderment that police is only acting after videos surfaced on social media”.

“The Ministry of Education has a lot of explaining to do. First whether any teacher or Head of School especially in respect of senior students/prefects punching, slapping and hitting a young student with a piece of timber, was made aware of the incident and if it was reported to the Education Ministry”.

“And if was, what action did the Ministry take?”

“We are also shocked to read a local newspaper report stating that the Education Ministry described the bullying of a student at a Suva school as accidental when evidence clearly shows it wasn’t.”

“The Minister must clearly tell the people how the Ministry plans to enforce zero tolerance policy on bullying on schools because it is clearly not working”.

“We must get to the root of the problem as to why students think they can become law unto themselves”.

“We have had enough of lawlessness and thuggery in this country for the last 13 years. The last place one would want to experience it is in our schools”.


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