Sunday 26th August 2018
The National Federation Party has re-iterated that it is not in a coalition of any form with SODELPA or any other political party who are contesting the 2018 general elections.
NFP Leader Professor Biman Prasad says recent reports aired on State Broadcaster, Fiji Broadcasting Corporation that NFP was in coalition talks with SODELPA is blatantly misleading despite repeated statements by the NFP to FBC news that NFP was fighting on its own, just as it did in 2014.
“The media, particularly FBC News and the Fiji Sun have misconstrued my statements, giving importance to what third parties have said. This is unethical and one wonders if its deliberately done because they know fully well of NFP;s position”.
“On 26th June 2016, the NFP’s Working Committee held at Nadi unanimously adopted a resolution that the Party would not a form a coalition to fight the elections. The Working Committee also resolved that those from other parties wishing to join NFP could do so provided they meet all the requirements stipulated in the Electoral and Political Parties laws."
“Simply, this means that those who were, or are members of other parties, have to resign to the Registrar of Political Parties before becoming members of NFP and then express their interest to contest the elections, and prove their suitability in accordance with the NFP Constitution”.
“The Working Committee also resolved to mandate the Party Leader to talk to leaders of all political parties, including the Prime Minister, on matters of national interest, good governance, conduct of truly credible, free and fair elections, and welfare of all our people”.
“These resolutions were re-enforced at the Party’s AGM on 10th September 2016 in Ra, and again by the Working Committee on 19th November 2016 in Suva”.
“I publicly announced our position during a meeting in Labasa on 29th March 2017. This was reported by the Fiji Times on its front page a day later on 30th March 2017”.
“In April 2017 , I was removed as Shadow Finance Minister by the Leader of the Opposition because I had publicly announced our position of not being in a coalition with SODELPA or any other party”.
“We want to warn our detractors as well as the media: Please refrain from twisting our official position to suit the personal or political agenda of individuals and parties. Elections should be purely about a battle of ideas and that is what we are precisely doing”.
“We will not take lying down any attempt to tarnish our image and credibility”.
Authorised by:
Professor Biman Prasad
NFP Leader