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  • Writer's pictureNational Federation Party - Fiji

Racist and inciteful

Fiji First Leader Voreqe Bainimarama’s racist and inciteful statements of hurt, murder and spillage of blood is a direct threat to Indo-Fijian voters, said National Federation Party Leader Professor Biman Prasad.

Professor Prasad said it is clear that Bainimarama has increased the tempo of his despicable racist rhetoric from the last two general elections of 2014 and 2018 because the Prime Minister is utterly fearful of losing power at the hands of the people.

The NFP Leader added Bainimarama has uttered comments that are full of racism, derogatory and incites communal hatred by warning of murder and spillage of blood, while appealing emotionally in the i-taukei language to a predominantly i-Taukei audience at a Fiji First meet in Nausori on Wednesday.

“We fully well know that the crowd was bussed in and promised free lunch, tee-shirts, music etc. Of course what Bainimarama wanted the optics for was to show that he could talk down indigenous Fijian politicians in front of an i-Taukei audience”.

“And supposedly prove himself to be the saviour and protector of the Indo-Fijian community. Of course his right-hand man and defacto PM Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum fully endorsed Bainimarama’s racist garbage because he himself was guilty of making threats before the 2018 elections”.

“This is a sick joke from a leadership whose government expelled and banned one of Fiji’s prominent sons and internationally acclaimed historian on Girmit, Professor Brij Vilash Lal from his land of birth for over 12 years”.

“Professor Lal died in exile on Christmas Day in 2021 and till now his wife Dr Padma Narsey Lal and their two children are awaiting a word from Immigration Fiji to interr Professor Lal’s ashes in his birthplace, Tabia, Labasa”.

In a multiracial, multicultural and multi-religious country like Fiji, our politicians and those seeking the mandate of the people to assume leadership of a democracy, must moderate their positions.

It is an absolute necessity that the peaceful co-existence of all our communities, especially the i-Taukei and Indo-Fijian communities, is not shattered by utterances from which wrong perceptions can be drawn.

And right now the only people trying to gain political capital from this are sitting in government. They are Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, Voreqe Bainimarama and their propagandists.

“Fortunately, their days are numbered because the voters will banish them into political wilderness as the ultimate judgment."

Professor Biman Prasad Leader


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