The National Federation Party is calling on the Fiji First Party and its Leader in particular to stop the gutter- level propaganda as reported in today’s (Thursday’s) Fiji Sun newspaper, where he has now come out and used the Golan seizure of our peacekeepers to try and link that to his political campaign and any possible review of his Constitution.
We call on the Fiji First Leader, Voreqe Bainimarama to lead by example as the interim Prime Minister and exercise even more restraint and responsibility in not mixing political rhetoric or his own personal political ambitions with the security issue of the seizure of our 45 peacekeeping soldiers in the Golan Heights last week.
No other political party leader has politicized the Golan crises – and we call on everyone and in particular Fiji First to please keep it that way. The seizure of our soldiers is not anyone’s political football and let us all support the Commander and his officers in the safe release of our peacekeepers.
Let us support and pray for the safe release of our men and support their families as well who are going through such a difficult moment.
The Fiji First Party Leader was reported in today’s Fiji Sun headline written by senior reporter Maika Bolatiki, that political parties were trying to remove the immunity clause in the Constitution and linked that to the Golan crisis.
We also call on the Fiji Sun newspaper in this regard to practice ethical, professional and responsible journalism and do not encourage dissent by proving one-sided and unfounded reporting based on hearsay and innuendos from the person being interviewed.
If anything the NFP and major political parties have provided a manifesto to the people of Fiji where they outline its plans for the future – while Fiji First Party is yet to be transparent and accountable as it has not given the people of Fiji its manifesto – which is a reflection of how it prefers to govern.
Biman Prasad
September 4, 2014